Tips for scrum implementation
Greetings to all!!
I will make a first implementation of Scrum on my Company, im a little bit nervous, any tips?
If you want feedback, you must provide more details about your company and what you are trying to do.
I will try Scrum, first on a single project where the client and the PO are internal. We have a little team with 9 members. The main problem is that they arent multi functional, and exist a little paralelism on their tasks. My objective is decrease all external interferences i can.
Besides that, i need a tool for scrum management and dont know which to use. Im trying a Redmine plugin to scrum.
All hints are welcome.
A electronic tool is probably not the first things you need !
It won't help people to build efficient interactions.
What the first things i need?
I know the theory, i need hints for first implementation!
Tnks for the tips!!!
The first things you need is:
- management that had a SCRUM training
- team members, SCRUM master and PO that had a SCRUM training
- task board (physical or erlectronical, where I would also recommend a real physical board for the start)
- PO that had time to prepare some user stories (a backlog)
- a definition of done,
- a sprint length
Thanks Joerg!!
My tip : looks for volunteers :-)
What is your current SW methodology used by your team for other projects?
Hi Amir.
There is no methodology. They simply do the tasks that they see on Redmine. Its like a waterfall model with a lot of paralelism.