Your experience in SCRUM implementation.
Hello everyone!
I am currently working on my master thesis about SCRUM. And I am trying to gather some data for it’s practical part. There I will estimate whether migration on SCRUM from any other software development methodology is good idea or not.
If you could help me with that by filling up next questionnaire I will highly appreciate that :)
In addition, maybe, you have any case studies on this theme?
Thanx in advance.
Case Studies:
The only justification you need to move to Scrum for software dev:…
You may have difficulty in comparing "Software Development Methodology" to Scrum. Scrum is not a sw method. Scrum is mainly a container and collaboration framework for value discovery and maximization journey. In fact it embed other software methods too. It can be compared based on the potential to reduce risk and maximize value using empiricism, bottom-up intelligence, servant leadership and value flow, with any other problem solving framework.
Another minor thing - Scrum is not any acronym like SCRUM