Can any person take the PSM certificate ?
dear all,
I want to taking PSM exam but i am from sudan which has political issues with US government. can i take the exam online ? or i need to go out from my country to another country ?
Hello Ahmed,
Thank you for your inquiry. You may take our online assessment from anywhere in the world. However, we ask that you please check to see if your country is supported by our payment processor (all transactions, including credit card purchases, are processed through PayPal) before placing your order for an assessment password:
If your country does not appear on that list, you may need to seek an alternative payment method. Many people who are unable to complete credit card transactions choose to use one of several available virtual credit cards:
For more information, please see the following article in our support center:…
I hope we were able to address your inquiry. We wish you the best of luck in your journey with Scrum.
dear sir,
thank you for your answers, i am able to complete the payment process using help from my friend in saudi arabia, he have master card credit and later he will send to me the password . after that i will using my own email to enter the exam from sudan..
is that scenario will violate any rules of the ?
Hello Ahmed,
We're glad to learn that you were able to arrive at a solution for purchasing an assessment password. To confirm, this scenario does not violate any of the rules of We are not able to process a password order placed from Sudan, simply because it is not on the supported country list of our payment processor (PayPal).
However, after receiving your assessment password, you may make your attempt at the PSM I assessment from wherever you like.
The assessment password is not associated with, or restricted for use by the purchaser only. Before starting your assessment session, you will need to log in to your member account. Your assessment attempt (and certification, if a score of 85% or higher is reached) will then be associated with your member account that you've signed into.
We hope this information helps. As always, if you should have additional questions, please do feel free to contact Best of luck and enjoy your day, Ahmed!
dear sir,
Thank you very much for the clear answer. i will do my best to pass the exam.