Scrum for every job function?
At MetaGeek, every business function practices Scrum with one-week sprints. All of our teams use JIRA (except for the Operations team, which uses the classic "sticky notes on the wall" technique, partially due to the repetitive nature of their job functions).
It's illuminating to track Scrum metrics like velocity and Kaizen across teams, and have an all-company deliverable demo at the end of our sprints. It's been really useful for us to have standardized/normalized measurements for each of our teams.
Does your company practice Scrum in all areas, or only in software development? If not, how are you guys tracking performance (and by extension ROI) in different job functions?
I'm a JIRA advocate, its a really great tool.
Very simple, easy to set up boards and really flexible dependant on what you want.
We utilized the burn down and velocity charts which helped understanding when committing to the sprint to show what happens when you over shoot and track via burn, rather than run a sustainable pace.
We also used "components" for really good visuals which we would show at the Retrospective.
Both Sprint and Kanban really work well, and worth the cost in my opinion, although there are alternatives if cost is king, with less whistles and bells.
Its also handy in todays age of remote working where everyone knows where we are as Cross Functional Teams now can be spread globally. Although there is nothing wrong with visualization boards spreadsheets, etc etc, depends on the locations of the team, budget and what you want out of your visualization and the geographic presence of the teams involved in it.
I work on a team that manages the maintenance of commercial websites. We also use JIRA and have implemented Scrum into our daily workflow. This has dramatically increased our efficiency and has provided an example for other dev groups to adopt.