First time coaching
As a Scrum Master, I have my first assignment coaching a new Scrum team (they're about 4 sprints old). I have training materials prepared on the basics, but in terms of attending their ceremonies, would you have any advice on the approach to take? Obviously they have a scrum master already (new) so I want to strike the right balance between teaching and not taking over.
Do not take over at all. Not now, not in the future. Coach the team into self organisation.
Observe, listen to what they have to say and give them advice in times of need.
If the team is completely new to Agile, teach them the basics. Observe what they do well and start building on that foundation. If they stray to far from the basics of Scrum, let them experience the consequences and guide them back.
Read "Coaching Agile Teams" by Alyssa Adkins. Great material.
+1 on what Jasper said.
Understanding the difference between teaching, coaching, facilitating and mentoring will help you understand which hat to wear and when to wear it.
Treat the Coaching Agile Teams book like a bible.
Thank you guys. This advice is great and I have a much better idea on how to approach this
+1 that too!
Why can't we +1?
Who's the product owner of this forum?? :)