Best Product Owner Training
Does anyone have a recommendation for Product Owner training?
We are very familiar with the the scrum process (we've been doing it for a year on several projects), but everything we've learned more or less starts with some semblance of a product backlog for a new product from scratch...not enhancing existing products or re-tooling existing systems (which means legacy interfaces, technical stacks, etc.).
I want to find a training that focuses more on the product management activities that lead to the creation of the backlog and less on the mechanics of sprints, refinement, roles, retro, etc. I dont want a course that spends 70% of time re-learning Scrum in general...but something that helps a product owner involve the team in the early phases of defining the product and creating the backlog.
Anyone have experience or suggestions on courses?
We have 2-3 options for PO classes that might work for you. I've sent you an email on LinkedIn.
You've got mail!
For the benefit of others who might see this, we have a course that focuses on "Product Owner and Team Collaboration Techniques" (heavy on the backlog, user stories, etc -- good for PO's and team members who are likely to be involved in the requirements elicitation -- generally that means "technical people who are good communicators").
We also have another PO/Exec course that focuses on Maximizing profits on software via business metrics, as well as crafting a backlog(and other techniques) that allows for acceleration of time to market to capitalize on market opportunities before those opportunities disappear.
I and the other trainers all have "in the trenches" experience with both green field and brown field/legacy apps, as well as technical depth, and we all have experience coaching Product Owners.
Sorry, I think I went into a sales/pitch mode, but just wanted to provide some more detail in case others are interested. Give us a call...
Charles Bradley
Professional Scrum Trainer