Scrum Certification Question
I took PSM exam last week and i failed with 77.5 %, I was very confident of clearing it. The email said that the time limit expired, i had nearly 8 questions bookmarked but it was marked with an answer, would these answers be considered or be discarded, also I took the Assessment test and there were no questions regarding burn down also didnt see it in the scrum guide but there were nearly 4 -6 questions, can you help me to find a place where i could get more questions to assess myself.
Thank you for your interest in Scrum and We are sorry you were unable to achieve a passing grade on the assessment, and we appreciate your feedback. We have examined your assessment session, and see that all 80 questions were factored into the calculation of your score, including any bookmarked questions. Bookmarking questions has no effect whatsoever on the way assessments are scored, but are rather a feature designed to aid those who wish to review their answers before the time limit expires.
We highly recommend following as many of the steps as you can on the following page to improve your Scrum knowledge and increase your chances of passing the assessment:
Please be aware that the Scrum Open Assessment is a study tool, and will not have the same level of difficulty as the professional-level assessments. We provide detailed feedback with specific questions and answers on the Scrum Open Assessment to help people grow their knowledge of Scrum. We are unable to provide the same level of transparency for our professional-level assessments, because we feel that doing so would inhibit learning. This is why we provide feedback in the form of a bar graph depicting how well you scored in each category, so you can better direct your studies in the areas you are weakest in.
We also highly suggest that you refer to the subject areas score breakdown (bar graph) that was provided once you concluded the assessment and also in the email you were sent after the completion of your assessment. This bar graph displays how well you scored in each of the subject areas assessed on the assessment.
We encourage you to then navigate to and review the PSM I Subject Areas page available on our website at the following link:…
Regarding burndown charts, the fact that they do not appear in the Scrum Guide is an important indication regarding their function in Scrum. As per getting more questions to assess yourself, please take the free Scrum Open and Developer Open Assessments here:
We hope you find this information helpful, Vijayasaharan. Thank you, and Scrum On!
Hello, once you learn which subject areas you need to gain more knowledge in, I would recommend reading all posts available in the Forum as well as may be taking a training class or reading suggested literature to widen your knowledge. One thing for sure, reading the Scrum Guide, or even learning it by heart is absolutely not enough to pass the exam. There is much more behind each statement in the Scrum Guide.
Example, one of a Scrum Master roles is coaching. f.i. "Coaching the Development Team in self-organization and cross-functionality". The Guide does not go into details on what a good agile/scrum master coach means. You will see quite few questions in this area while taking the exam, and it might become tricky to correctly reply the test questions without understanding on what coaching means in Agile world.
Hope it helps, Galina
Burn down charts are not covered in the current Scrum guide (2013), but are mentioned in the previous Scrum guide (2009). I would search the web see if you can locate an old guide in order to cover the burn up/down charts. Be careful to not read other sections of the old guide as there are some differences between it and the newer guide.
I was also unaware that burn up/down charts were on the test until I started going through the forums and happened upon someone talking about the. My suggestion is to look at the posts of people who successfully passed the PSM and use that information for your own studying.
Good Luck!
I've just done the exam and wasn't sure if 'Development Team member' was a trick answer. We are used to referring to that role as 'Development Team', so in the exam is Development Team member a scrum role or should it specifically be Development Team?
Many thanks
Ramona (I passed!! Thankfully)
is Development Team member a scrum role or should it specifically be Development Team?
From the Scrum Glossary and Scrum Guide we can read:
Scrum Team: a self-organizing team consisting of a Product Owner, Development Team and Scrum Master.
Development Team: the role within a Scrum Team accountable for managing, organizing and doing all development work required to create a releasable Increment of product every Sprint.
So I can understand you think it is a bit of semantics, but actually, following the concept that Scrum is built from the denoted Roles, Events and Artifacts components or "building blocks"; a Development Team Member is not a role, but an "entity", which is not part of the Scrum building blocks.