Daily Scrum Meeting iphone App
After sitting in a daily scrum meeting at work i noticed that some people were rabbiting on a bit too much and the going off topic during our daily scrum meet, the scrum master did the best he could to get the guy back on topic but still some time was wasted, after a bit of thought i decided that i could build a small app to help avoid this.
The basis is simple, a timer will start and sound when the person should begin talking, another sound will play when the person should stop, there's a small delay and then the next person can begin talking, again signified by the sound playing. The app allows you to set the amount of people at the meeting and also change the talk time limit incase you have a longer timebox for your meeting time.
You can see a video of it in action here:
and download here:
Hopefully this helps out anyone who has talkative staff.
Hi Rich
A nice work around, lets assume you didn't have an Iphone, say a an old Nokia phone on GSM?
(We have to factor in that not everyone is 21st century yet, I'm not being picky here)
We would really need to tackle the problem at source on understanding, we need to stick to time.
This is a core function of the SM in the many hats he has to wear on services.
If you can get it working for what scrum is, everyone should know how long we have so lets not over do it.
The retrospective if people are chomping at time should be a place to address this to improve into your next sprint.
The SM did the best he could.
The Scrum Master teaches the Development Team to keep the Daily Scrum within the 15-minute time-box
Scrum Master Service to the Development Team
The Scrum Master serves the Development Team in several ways, including:
Removing impediments to the Development Team’s progress;
Facilitating Scrum events as requested or needed; and,
Coaching the Development Team in organizational environments in which Scrum is not yet fully adopted and understood.
Scrum Master Service to the Organization
Scrum Master Service to the Organization
The Scrum Master serves the organization in several ways, including:
Leading and coaching the organization in its Scrum adoption;
Causing change that increases the productivity of the Scrum Team;