Teaching scrum at high school
Dear colleagues,
as PSPO I with 15 years of scrum experience and now a teacher of information science, I am now developing lessons, material and documentation to introduce scrum to my pupils, both to learn about it and to adopt it for higher educational results. I have already found material by chemistry teachers about adopting scrum in the class room, in the Netherlands.
Are you aware of people practicing scrum at high school? Are you aware of research or evaluations of the results? I would like to hear from you.
Philip Lafeber.
Hello Philip,
I am currently looking for a volunteer willing to introduce SCRUM to a public high school robotic team. If you know anyone willing to volunteer, please let me know.
Hi Lisa, I'm a PST at Scrum.org and also an ex- Chemistry teacher. I'd be glad to help you.
While researching, I came across material from chemistry teachers in the Netherlands about adopting Scrum in the classroom. However, I am curious if any of you are aware of people practicing Scrum at the high school level. Additionally, I am interested in any research or evaluations of the results.