Question: What are the time-boxes for Nexus events ?
Nexus guide is vague in Nexus events duration & if it is time boxed or not , specially for sprint planning & retrospectives. actually the sentence "They are time-boxes in addition to their corresponding Scrum events." mentioned in the nexus guide is not clear for me.
can anyone mention the time box for each nexus event & if its separate from the scrum events or included in it?
This is an interesting question.
The Nexus Guide states the following:
The duration of Nexus events is guided by the length of the corresponding events in the Scrum Guide. They are time-boxes in addition to their corresponding Scrum events.
All of the events are timeboxed, as in Scrum.
I interpret this as meaning that the events where individual Scrum Teams are on their own follow the guidance in the Scrum Guide. These include the second part of the Sprint Planning, the Daily Scrum, and the middle portion of the Sprint Retrospective. I also consider the Nexus Daily Scrum to be a 15-minute timebox. For the Sprint Review, since the Nexus event replaces the individual team events, the guidance from the Scrum Guide would apply.
The remaining events are the first part of the Sprint Planning as well as the first and third segments of the Sprint Retrospective. Unfortunately, there is no guidance in the Nexus Guide as to the duration of these events. I would expect that there would be guidance around either the duration of the Nexus-wide portion of each event or the total time for the entire event.
The only events with a clear timebox in Nexus, based only on the available guide, are the Nexus Daily Scrum, Daily Scrum (for individual teams), and Nexus Sprint Review.
Nexus Events
The duration of Nexus events is guided by the length of the corresponding events in the Scrum Guide. They are time-boxes in addition to their corresponding Scrum events.