Who has the final say on the acceptance criteria. Who writes them?
Dear all,
I just got along the acceptance criteria in the PSPO test...
Never heard about it. Nothing in the Scrum Guide.
Can somebody please einlight me who writes them and who has the final say on them?
Never ever heard about them before.
KR Jan
In addition: Who is accountable for the acceptance criteria?
Do they need to be in place before an item from the product backlog can be selected for the sprint backlog?
Acceptance criteria aren't mandatory in scrum. The guide mentions that test descriptions are often included to prove the completeness of an item when done. Those desciptions can be interpreted as acceptance criteria.
Sinds the product owner is responsible for ensuring the Development Team understands items in the Product Backlog to the level needed, in my opinion it's the product owner that defines the acceptance criteria.
When I look at my own projects, we write acceptance criteria for every item as part of the refinement. An item is "sprint ready" when it has acceptance criteria. We write them in a Given, When, Then form, so we can include them in our automated test scenario's.
The benefit of writing these scenario's during refinement is that the team and the PO are forced to realy think about what the done item should do.
As they are acceptence criteria, why not ask the accepting party?