About Definition of "Done"
Dear Team,
Does Definition of "Done" help to the Scrum Team in inspection and adaptation?
There are systems that consider it to be a correct answer, while other do not consider.
What do you personally think? Would you expect to be able to have transparency in place without knowing when things are actually done? How would you inspect if there is no transparency? How would the development team know the amount of work it can pull for the next sprint?
thank you Julien Charpenel,
Personally I think Definition of "Done" help to the Scrum Team in inspection and adaptation,
The question is - what is the problem, that different serious online systems give different answers.
that is why asking for an advice
What exactly are the systems you are talking about? Assessments, Certifications, Online Tests?
In the end it is important that you personally understand why the definition of done is important and what the reasons behind it are. I personally do not think it helps to just refer to answers of an online system without knowing the background and having an understanding about why things are defined the way they are.
Unfortunately of course, if it is about a certification you will have to provide the answers that are expected, but maybe then the systems quality is to be doubted?
thank you Julien Charpenel, for all your answers