Scrum Agile Project Management
Hi all, I would like to learn, based on your experiences, how you do the following:
1) How to visualize user stories, tasks and do planning on calendar (sprint planning and overall planning)
a) Omitting team leaves/sick, public holidays, weekends (get total 'working' days)
2) How to calculate estimated burndown chart?##
- Calculation for Estimated Decrement per day
3) What are the commonly-used tools effective for PM?
a) Time management
b) Scheduling / calendar to integrate with Sprint Planning
c) Project management (Is trello the best?)
4) Is it possible to use scrum for small projects with more-or-less fixed requirements that have little potential for change?
5) For every user story, how is it broken down into tasks? What are the specific tasks let's say for the following user story:
- As an logged-in user, I want to reserve a room in the hotel of my choice so that I do not have to worry that I have nowhere to stay.
6) How do you plan and track user stories or tasks that stretch across more than 1 sprint?
Thanks !
1, 2: JIRA
4: yes, every sprint you would still have something demonstrable, so at least you get transparency and inspection.
5: how about loading a list of displaying rooms? Blocking them while chosen, but not payed? Paying? Email-conformation sending? Etc.
6: In JIRA use Epics or just labels
>> 2) How to calculate estimated burndown chart?##
It depends, are you asking about a Spring burndown or a release burndown? Most of the tools offer a burndown report, or you could google one and download a spreadsheet that will produce it, you just have to manually update it daily. Some teams even do it manually (draw it on their white board in the team room) and update it daily,
The x axis is time (can be days for a Sprint, or can be Sprints for a release)
The y axis is the effort you are burning down. It could be points, Sprint Backlog work in hours, number of Product Backlog items, number of Sprint Backlog work items