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Scrum Day China

August 17, 2024

我们诚挚地邀请您参加即将于今夏在上海举办的2024中国Scrum大会!在全球数字化转型的浪潮中,敏捷已成为企业脱颖而出的关键。为进一步促进Scrum实践者之间的交流与合作,Scrum.org将于8月在上海主办首届中国Scrum大会,汇聚全球Scrum社区的华人共同交流敏捷思想,探讨敏捷思路,分享AI时代下各行业的全新敏捷实践。目前,活动日程和演讲话题正在确定中。来自Scrum.org的 Dave West 及 Darrell Fernandes 将在大会上发表演讲。

We are excited to invite you to Scrum Day China 2024, set to take place this summer in Shanghai! In the wave of global digital 
transformation, agility has become crucial for enterprises to stand out. To further promote exchange and collaboration among Scrum practitioners, will host the first Scrum Day China in August, bringing together the global Scrum community of Chinese professionals to share agile insights, discuss strategies, and explore new practices in the AI era.The event agenda and topics are currently being finalized. Dave West and Darrell Fernandes from will be speaking at the event.