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Professional Scrum Facilitation Skills

Live Virtual Class, March 7, 2025

Class Overview

Professional Scrum Facilitation Skills™ is an interactive course designed to help Scrum practitioners develop a facilitator’s mindset, and proficiency in facilitation skills, and learn when and how to select effective techniques for various circumstances. Strong facilitation skills enable better problem-solving, more effective Scrum events and greater team alignment, all leading to better outcomes.

Learning Objectives

  • Develop facilitation skills and a facilitator’s mindset
  • Learn the facilitation principles that experienced facilitators fall back on when interactions are difficult
  • Understand the roles that facilitation principles and the Scrum Values play in enhancing healthy collaboration in Scrum Teams
  • Explore how facilitation can address challenging scenarios most Scrum Teams encounter
  • Apply facilitation skills and techniques to improve the Scrum events and other interactions
  • Understand how to encourage diverse perspectives, while bringing the team together to reach decisions
  • Experience the elements of group dynamics and how they influence the decision-making process
  • Leave class with a toolbox of facilitation techniques and understand how to apply them in different circumstances


Intended Audience

Scrum Masters and any Scrum Team member interested in learning how to use facilitation to enhance their team’s success Scrum Coaches, Agile Coaches and Consultants


Topics Covered

The class goes over facilitation practices and tools and includes:

  • Facilitation principles and Scrum: how do they connect?
  • Applying facilitation skills and techniques
  • Improving facilitation skills
  • Trying out different exercises useful in many situations requiring facilitation

Class Details



Delivery Method

Live Virtual Class
Time Zone: America/Denver
Start/End Time: 8:00 AM - 3:45 PM


Start: March 7, 2025
End: March 7, 2025

Class Format




Registration & Price

Price: USD 695

More Information

PSFS Certification

All attendees will receive one free attempt at the PSFS assessment (up to two attempts with conditions).

About your trainer:​

Hi, my name is Daria Bagina. I am a Professional Scrum Trainer and a practicing Scrum Master.

With years of experience in the field, having worked with companies and leaders across industries, I this course I will share my experience of implementing Scrum, the challenges I have faced and solutions that worked for me.

What people say:

5-star review Virtual PSM II Class for Daria Bagina

5-star review Virtual PSM Class for Daria Bagina


Virtual Classroom

This class will be conducted online using Zoom and Miro. Attendees will receive details to connect to the class 24-48 hours before the class start to the email used during purchase.


This is a 7-hour class usually done in one day. The timezone is Mountain Standard Time (Denver, Colorado, USA).

  • Start: 8 AM MST
  • Lunch break: 11 PM – 12 PM MST
  • End: between 3:30 PM and 4 PM MST
  • Breaks: ~10 min every hour or so

Timezone reference

  • MST: 8 AM - 3:45 PM
  • EST: 10 AM - 5:45 PM
  • PST: 7 AM - 2:45 PM
  • CET: 4 PM - 11:45 PM




