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It’s Okay for the Roadmap to Change

September 19, 2024
A roadmap is a visualization of the Product Owner’s plan to deliver the product goal and fulfill the product vision. But in the real world, especially in complex environments, plans change—and that’s okay.
Blog Post

Why “I Don’t Know” is a Game-Changer

September 3, 2024
When you admit that you don’t have all the answers as a Scrum Master, you’re not losing credibility—you’re gaining trust. You’re telling your team, “It’s okay not to know everything. What matters is how we tackle the unknown together.”
Blog Post

Why Goals Matter in Scrum

August 28, 2024
The iterative nature of Scrum, with its focus on delivering a Done Increment each Sprint, allows teams to make steady progress toward their goals, even in the face of uncertainty. This process of setting and achieving goals enables teams to adapt to changing conditions, learn from their experiences, and continuously improve.
Blog Post

That's the Power of Scrum

July 30, 2024
When we say that Scrum is purposely or deliberately incomplete, it's not that they didn't finish writing the Scrum guide or that they have a little more research to do before the Scrum Guide is perfect. What we mean is that Scrum is a framework within which teams work together to deliver value. It's not a rulebook. It's not a set of work instructions. It's not a set of meeting agendas or recommended practices.
Blog Post

Benefits of the Sprint Timebox

July 15, 2024
The Sprint timebox helps to foster a sense of urgency that creates a low tolerance for organizational impediments or wasted effort. The Sprint timebox forces the team and the organization to identify the things that have been holding back delivery - so they can solve them.
Blog Post

Scrum Beyond Software Development

July 15, 2024
In recent years though, Scrum adoption has expanded far beyond its original roots in IT and software development. Today, Agile frameworks including Scrum are used in Operations, Marketing, Human Resources and in product development for industries as varied as industrial microscopes, fighter jets, appliances, candies and more.
Blog Post

The User Story Format

July 8, 2024
While there are various ways to write or format items on the Product Backlog, one of the most popular and effective methods is writing them in the user story format. This practice, though beneficial, is not mandatory. Scrum teams may choose to adopt the user story format when it suits their needs and enhances their workflow.
Blog Post

You Can't Skip Refinement

July 8, 2024
Some teams think that if they skip refinement, they're saving time, but that's not true at all. Teams must understand what is needed before they can deliver value. Refinement will happen. It's just a matter of whether it will be done in Sprint Planning, during the Sprint, or whether you will do it in advance of the Sprint as part of regular, planned refinement activities.
Blog Post

Spikes are So... Ugh

June 17, 2024
I'm just going to say it. Most so-called 'spikes' do not belong on the Product Backlog. Learn more in this blog post from PST Mary Iqbal.
Blog Post

Agile in Name Only

June 10, 2024
From boardrooms to water coolers, organizations across industries proudly tout their commitment to Agile principles and frameworks. However, for many companies, being "Agile" often masks a deeper reality: a lack of true Agile mindset and practices.
Blog Post

The Myth of Complete Foresight

May 28, 2024
Agile frameworks are used in complex environments where requirements and technology are ever-changing. It seems pretty unrealistic to think that we could envision all of the customer’s requirements upfront. And yet, that’s what many of those using a Waterfall approach to value delivery are trying to do.
Blog Post

Incremental Delivery Controls Risk

May 20, 2024
I really can’t let this incremental delivery topic go. According to the 2020 Scrum Guide, “Scrum employs an iterative, incremental approach to optimize predictability and to control risk.” This means that Scrum Teams deliver a done, usable increment of working product frequently. This approach has many benefits, including risk mitigation.
Blog Post

10 FAQs for Agile Project Managers

May 20, 2024
There seems to be a lot of confusion about how exactly to use Agile frameworks to deliver projects. Should you have a charter? Should the Project Manager also be the Scrum Master? This article will discuss 10 common FAQs for Project Managers seeking to use Agile frameworks—like Scrum—to deliver projects.
Blog Post

Can a Project Manager be a Scrum Master?

May 14, 2024
When companies dip their toe in Agile waters, they often start by simply trying out an Agile framework such as Scrum to deliver something relatively small, such as a project. And that's a great way to start. However, with this comes the question: Can a Project Manager be a Scrum Master?
Blog Post

Product Teams

April 16, 2024
Some of the highest-performing teams I have ever worked with were part of a Product team. A Product team is when multiple Scrum Teams support a single product. Here are some FAQs about Product teams.
Blog Post

Self-Management is Nuanced

March 20, 2024
Self-management doesn’t mean Developers can do whatever they want, and it doesn’t mean leadership should micromanage the Scrum Team, either. The reality is somewhere in the middle.
Blog Post

What’s the big deal about the Definition of Done in Scrum?

March 13, 2024
There are numerous benefits to a Definition of Done, but consider this: The entire purpose of Sprint is to deliver a done, usable increment at least once per Sprint. Shouldn’t we be clear about what done means to us in our context? In this article, we'll discuss 10 benefits of the Definition of Done in Scrum
Blog Post

Which Scrum Events Are Time Boxed?

February 5, 2024
Each of the five events in Scrum is time boxed. This means that every Scrum event has a maximum (but not a minimum) amount of time the Scrum Team will spend on the event every Sprint. By limiting the time spent in each Event, the Scrum framework pushes Scrum teams to maximize the quality of their time together.
Blog Post

Agile is not a Luxury

January 30, 2024
Agile is not a mere indulgence; it is a more innovative and more efficient way to navigate the intricacies of delivering products and services, particularly when the products or services being developed require creativity and complex problem-solving to deliver them.
Blog Post

Measuring the Wrong Thing is Worse Than Measuring Nothing

January 22, 2024
As organizations strive to quantify the productivity and effectiveness of their agile teams, the adage "you get what you measure" becomes increasingly pertinent. In pursuing metrics, it is crucial to recognize that measuring the wrong things can have detrimental consequences, potentially eroding the principles that make agile successful.
Blog Post

Why Predictability Matters in Scrum

January 22, 2024
Telling an important customer that “we will get there when we get there” could come across as dismissive, sending the message that the customer’s needs are unimportant to the Scrum Team.  All organizations have deadlines and need to navigate shifting priorities.  Agile approaches can help organizations meet tough deadlines and navigate shifting priorities by making teams more predictable rather than less.
Blog Post

False Dichotomy

January 12, 2024
An unusual article featured in the latest edition of the Harvard Business Review titled "Case Study: Should I Pitch a New Project-Management System?" raised several concerns and demonstrated misconceptions about Scrum. The piece created a false dilemma between "Scrum" and a hypothetical "Flow" process, essentially referring to Kanban.  
Blog Post

Good Intentions

January 2, 2024
Some well-intentioned practices sound reasonable, but a closer examination reveals potential pitfalls that can compromise the Agile manifesto principles or the Scrum guide's underlying Empiricism. By understanding the rationale behind these practices and exploring their drawbacks, teams can foster a more nuanced and practical approach to achieve true agility and continuous improvement.
Blog Post

"Scrum is Chaos" and other Scrum Myths

December 18, 2023
Myths can hold us back from our highest potential by creating confusion and misdirection. In this article, we will debunk 10 common myths about Scrum. Now, I'm not saying that chaos dragons are real, but I am saying that Scrum is not chaos.
Blog Post

“Agile Is Just for Software” and other Scrum Myths

December 8, 2023
The Scrum framework is deliberately incomplete, so when teams start to fall for Scrum myths, frequently these myths are actually holding the team back from embracing the true flexibility of Scrum. Teams should find out what works best for them, not works best for other people.
Blog Post

Dependencies Are the Death of Value Delivery

November 6, 2023
A dependency refers to a situation where one task, Product Backlog item, user story, or feature relies on another for completion or integration. In this article, we will discuss the impacts of high dependencies on value delivery.
Blog Post

The Purpose of Estimation in Scrum: Sizing for Sprint Success

October 16, 2023
The purpose of the Sprint is to deliver a done increment of valuable, usable product. In order to get there, it is important that higher ordered Product Backlog items are sized so that they are small enough to be completed within a single Sprint. The purpose of estimation in Scrum is to size higher ordered Product Backlog items so they can be completed within a single Sprint.